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How do you get your data?

How do you get your data?

ScoutinScience is dedicated to providing a data-driven foundation for assessing the business potential of scientific research. Our approach to data collection is meticulous and multifaceted, ensuring a rich and robust dataset for analysis.

Primary Source: OpenAlex

We predominantly source our data from OpenAlex, an open-source catalogue that offers an extensive database of scholarly works. This powerful resource enables us to tap into a wide array of academic literature. OpenAlex's commitment to open access and transparency complements our objective to facilitate the seamless integration of academic research into the business landscape.

Additional Data Streams

Complementing our primary source, we utilize Google Scholar as a supplementary wellspring of information. Google Scholar's broad coverage extends our reach into additional scholarly articles, patents, and court opinions, providing us with a more diverse and comprehensive dataset.

Further augmenting our data acquisition, we access a variety of open-access repositories. These repositories broaden our scope to include specialized fields and emerging research, which may not yet be widely cited but hold significant potential for innovation and commercial application.

Manual Uploads

Recognizing the value of precision, we also engage in manual uploads of data. This approach allows for the inclusion of highly specific and relevant information, particularly in niche areas of research that automated systems might overlook.

A Synergistic Data Ecosystem

By amalgamating automated data collection with strategic manual uploads, ScoutinScience creates a synergistic data ecosystem. This ecosystem provides a nuanced and comprehensive picture of the scientific research landscape. It is this blend of breadth and depth in data that positions us uniquely to identify and score the latent business potential in scientific discoveries.

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Connect-U Ariënsplein 1 7511 JX Enschede The Netherlands

+31 (0)85 06 00 036